Level 5 Enhanced and
Level 5 Pathways Training
El contenido está solo en ingles en este momento. Una oportunidad de entrenamiento en español estará disponible este otoño. Mas detalles próximamente.
Description of Service:
Enhanced: support parents to build their emotional resilience & address partner conflict
Pathways: support parents to build their emotional regulation skills & decrease risk of physical or emotional harm to their children.
​Prerequisite: Accreditation in any Level 3 or Level 4 Triple P program.
Training Dates: September 10 -12, 2024 9:00 – 4:30 (8:45 on 1st day)
Pre-Accreditation: September 24, 2024 9:00 – 4:30
Accreditation (full day): October 9, 10 or 11 , 2024 AM: 9:00 – 12:30 / PM: 1:30 – 5:00
Register by: August 21, 2024 to receive the training materials prior to the 1st training day.
After submitting a registration form, First 5’s Triple P Program Manager will follow up to confirm your/ your agency’s commitment. Once the written agreement is signed, you will be added to the roster.
All Training, Pre-accreditation, and Accreditation sessions will be held on Zoom.
The Zoom link and training materials will be provided by Triple P America prior to the first training date. Materials will be shipped to the business or residential mailing address provided in the registration form.
Each practitioner will be assigned to (or sign up for) a full-day Accreditation session during the initial Training. First 5 Santa Cruz County recommends blocking off all Accreditation dates in your calendar until a specific date has been confirmed by the Triple P America trainer.
Training on local evaluation procedures: Date/time TBD
Overview of Level 5 Enhanced & Level 5 Pathways Triple P
Enhanced Triple P consists of four different modules (Practice Sessions; Coping Skills; Partner Support; Maintaining Progress & Closure) delivered in 3-8 one-on-one sessions. The modules address family factors that may impact and complicate the task of parenting (e.g. parental mood, partner conflict). Parents can choose which modules to complete. Enhanced Triple P can be offered to parents who completed a Level 3 program (one-on-one or brief group) or a Level 4 program and post-assessment results indicate they could benefit from extra support to make or maintain changes in parenting.
Pathways Triple P is an intensive program for parents who have difficulty regulating their emotions or persistently misunderstand the reasons for their children’s behavior, and as a result may be at risk of physically or emotionally harming their children. Three modules, delivered in 2-5 one-on-one or group sessions, support parents to understand “parent traps;” understand the impact of their beliefs and behaviors on their children; and learn how to recognize, understand, and manage anger. Pathways Triple P can be offered to parents who completed a Level 3 program (one-on-one or brief group) or a Level 4 program.
Practitioners use a combination of assessments, workbooks, videos, role plays, coaching, and “homework” to help parents/caregivers set their own goals; develop and implement parenting plans that are tailored to their cultural, linguistic, and family needs; and track and maintain progress.
Minimum Service Delivery Requirement (to receive free training & parent resources)
4 – 6 parents per year, per practitioner (Enhanced and/or Pathways sessions)
Interested but not sure you can meet these minimum requirements?
Contact First 5’s Triple P Program Manager, Yesenia Gomez-Carrillo
ygomez-carrillo@first5scc.org or (831) 465-2203
or sign up to attend an Informational Session!
Sign up to attend an Informational Session:​
June 24: bit.ly/TripleP-Info-Jun24
June 26: bit.ly/TripleP-Info-Jun26
July 2: bit.ly/TripleP-Info-Jul2
July 5: bit.ly/TripleP-Info-Jul5
July 8: bit.ly/TripleP-Info-Jul8