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Level 5 Family Transitions Training

El contenido está solo en ingles en este momento. Una oportunidad de entrenamiento en español estará disponible este otoño. Mas detalles próximamente.


Description of ServiceSupplemental support (5 sessions) for parents adjusting to co-parenting after a separation or divorce. Offered prior to sessions on parenting strategies.

Prerequisite: None, however access to regular, high-quality supervision and prior, relevant experience and/or education are strongly recommended.

Training DatesNovember 4 - 5, 2024  9:00 – 4:30 (8:45 on 1st day)

Pre-Accreditation: November 19, 2024  9:00 – 4:30

Accreditation (1/2 day):  December 3 or 4, 2024  AM: 9:00 – 12:30 / PM: 1:30 – 5:00

Register by: October 15, 2024 to receive the training materials prior to the 1st training day.


  • After submitting a registration form, First 5’s Triple P Program Manager will follow up to confirm your/ your agency’s commitment. Once the written agreement is signed, you will be added to the roster.

  • All Training, Pre-accreditation, and Accreditation sessions will be held on Zoom.

  • The Zoom link and training materials will be provided by Triple P America prior to the first training date. Materials will be shipped to the business or residential mailing address provided in the registration form.

  • Each practitioner will be assigned to (or sign up for) a full-day Accreditation session during the initial Training. First 5 Santa Cruz County recommends blocking off all Accreditation dates in your calendar until a specific date has been confirmed by the Triple P America trainer.

Training on local evaluation procedures: Date/time TBD


Overview of Level 5 Family Transitions Triple P

  • Family Transitions Triple P is designed for parents who are experiencing personal distress from separation or divorce, which is impacting on or complicating their parenting. During five sessions, Family Transitions Triple P assists parents who need extra support to adjust and manage the transition of separation or divorce. It focuses on skills to resolve conflicts with former partners and how to cope positively with stress.

  • Over the course of five session, parents learn and practice strategies to help themselves and their children talk about the impact of separation and divorce on the family, cope with emotions, challenge unhelpful thoughts, take care of themselves, manage conflict with a co-parent/former partner, and develop a new family identify and social supports.

  • The Family Transitions sessions are offered to parents prior to beginning an in-depth (Level 4) program.

  • Practitioners use a combination of assessments, workbooks, videos, role plays, coaching, and “homework” to help parents/caregivers set their own goals; develop and implement parenting plans that are tailored to their cultural, linguistic, and family needs; and track and maintain progress.


Minimum Service Delivery Requirement (to receive free training & parent resources)

  • 4 – 6 parents per year, per practitioner​



Interested but not sure you can meet these minimum requirements?

Contact First 5’s Triple P Program Manager, Yesenia Gomez-Carrillo or (831) 465-2203

or sign up to attend an Informational Session!

Sign up to attend an Informational Session:​

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